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SJC Junior Fellow Markus Schulz-Weiling’s visit to SJU-TW

On October 22, 2014, SJC Junior Fellow Markus Schulz-Weiling, a Ph.D. student from Germany studying Physics, visited St. John’s University in Tamsui, Taiwan (SJU-TW). SJU-TW was founded in 1965 by the alumni of St. John’s University and St. Mary’s Hall of Shanghai, who are also the founders of SJC at UBC. The University began as a Institute of Technology and was officially upgraded to a University of Science and Technology in 2005. During his visit, Markus met Dr. Lawrence Deng, Dean of the Office of International Affairs, and other school officials. He was also invited to give a lecture on his life and research to an undergraduate English class. Markus also shared about life at SJC-UBC and brought greetings from one member of the global Johannean family to another.


On the left, Dr. Lawrence Deng, the Dean of the Office of International Affairs, and on the right Director Dong-Liang Lee welcoming Markus to SJU.


Markus being shown the main art gallery at SJU, presenting student art as well as art created and donated by Johanneans.

Markus explaining his research responsibilities as a Physics PhD student at UBC.

Markus explaining his research responsibilities as a Physics PhD student at UBC.


Markus gives a one-hour presentation to 2nd year English students at SJU about his life as a PhD student at SJC/UBC, the student-body, Departments and self-financing opportunities at UBC, and the role of the SJC community within UBC, our Johannean heritage and some College activities.


One response to “SJC Junior Fellow Markus Schulz-Weiling’s visit to SJU-TW”

  1. gerson

    great, markus –
    nice to see your commitment to SJC, and also your spreading of knowledge abroad.

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