The Light & Truth crest of St. John’s University (founded in Shanghai, China in 1879 and in operation until 1952) lives on at St. John’s College, UBC as does the spirit of “Light and Truth”. In 1988, Johanneans (alumni of St. John’s University) met at the first world reunion and committed to perpetuate the spirit of St. John’s, which subsequently led to the establishment of St. John’s College in 1997. “Light and Truth” underscores the values of honesty, generosity, justice and integrity in serving society. The Chinese motto is taken from Confucius: “Learning without thinking is labour lost, thinking without learning is perilous.” Both expressions are included in the emblem.
聖約翰校友的遺贈 “光與真理”
光與真理是聖約翰大學 (創立於中國上海於1879年並一直經營至1952年) 的紋飾。這紋飾由英屬哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院所採用,意表承續光與真理的精神。在1988年,Johanneans (聖約翰大學的校友) 在聖約翰大學世界各地校友第一屆聯誼大會上相會並且致力於延續聖約翰精神。這成就了聖約翰學院於1997年的成立。
“光與真理” 強調誠實,慷慨,正義與誠信在服務社會上的價值。中文的格言是從孔子而來,“學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。” 這兩個詞句被收錄在校徽上。
原文作者不詳。Woan-Jen Wang 提供中文翻譯。