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The Tapestry

The Schereschewsky Hall (懷思堂), fondly called S.Y. Hall, built in 1894 and named after Bishop Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, was the oldest building on the campus of St. John’s University in Shanghai, China. A combination of Chinese and Western architectural elements, the company Atkinson & Dallas, Civil Engineers & Architects added flying leaves and the clock tower to reflect the University’s core value in bridging cultures. In 1929, a memorial arch, donated by the gentry of Tsao Ka Doo (曹家渡), was built in the front of S.Y. Hall. The arch was destroyed by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. The arch was restored in 1992 as one of the highlights of the Third World Reunion of Johanneans, which was held by the Shanghai chapter of St. John’s University Alumni Associations (SJUAA). In 1999, the Fourth World Reunion of Johanneans was held in Vancouver to celebrate the founding of St. John’s College UBC through the generous donations of the Johannean alumni of St. John’s University in Shanghai.

Written by Johannean T. F. Ying, Class of 1943, MBA Economics 1944). Edited by SJC Junior Fellows Kristof Kessler (MLIS 2013) and Dawn Wong (MLIS 2013).


懷思堂,喜歡被稱作施約瑟堂 (S.Y.Hall) 建立於1894年。它命名自施約瑟主教,是中國上海聖約翰大學校園裡面最古老的建築物。它結合中國與西方的建築元素,阿特金森和達拉斯 (Atkinson & Dallas) 土木工程與建築公司加上飛舞的葉子與鐘塔以反映出大學的使文化銜接的核心價值觀。

在1929年,由曹家渡紳士所捐贈的牌坊建立在施約瑟堂 (S.Y.Hall) 的前方。這牌坊在文化大革命期間被紅衛兵所毀壞。這牌坊在1992年被修復成為被上海聖約翰校友會上海分會所舉辦的聖約翰大學世界各地校友第三屆聯誼大會的亮點之一。在1999年,聖約翰大學世界各地校友第四屆聯誼大會在溫哥華舉行,以慶祝英屬哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院藉著上海聖約翰大學校友慷慨的捐款而成立。由聖約翰大學校友太平地氈國際有限公司的葉元章所贈,描畫著牌坊的訂製掛毯,裝飾著英屬哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院校友大廳。

原文由聖約翰大學校友應道富書寫,1943年屆,工商管理碩士畢業於1944年。Kristof Kessler 與黃艷珍編輯。Woan-Jen Wang 提供中文翻譯。

china_large Original Arch at St. John’s University, Shanghai.


Tapestry in SJC Alumni Hall.



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