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In memory of Jhn. Steve Wu 胡思永 (1930-2014)

St. John’s College mourns the loss of Johannean Steve Wu 胡思永


Steve Wu was born in Shanghai in 1930. Steve grew up during the Cultural Revolution and attended St. John’s University (’52 Architectural Engineering). After graduating, he taught American style architecture at Nanjing Technical College. His brother, who had ties to the Communist Party, helped Steve flee to Hong Kong. In 1990, Steve moved to Canada with his wife Jhn. Jenny Wu (’52 St. Mary’s Hall). — Information provided by SJC Living Memory Committee.


Jhn. Jenny and Steve Wu perform ballroom dancing at the St. John’s College 15th Anniversary Celebration (2013)

Steve will always be remembered for his lively spirit, his impeccable ballroom dancing skills, and his enthusiastic chant of the St. John’s University yell:

College Yells of St. John’s University

Bon chicka Bon! Bon chicka Bon!

Bon, Chicka-ricka-racka.

Bon, bon, Bon!

Wa-hu-wa! Wa-hu-wa! St.John’s, St. John’s.

Rah! Rah-rah!

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