From Hongcouver to…?
Looking Three Decades Past and Three Decades Ahead
Over the last three decades since Expo86, Vancouver has transformed as a city. This dialogue looks back over the last thirty years at how trans-Pacific migration and financial connections have changed Vancouver. The goal of this conversation is to have a reasoned, thoughtful, and serious discussion about issues that have at times enflamed fear and emotion, and identify trends that will shape the next three decades. Events will take place at Fairmont Social Lounge, St. John’s College, UBC, 2111 Lower Mall. Parking available across the street in the West Parkade.
How Have We Changed and Where Are We Going?
Friday, September 23, 1:30pm-4:30pm
(Discussion will be in English)
Moderator: Dr, Henry Yu, Principal, St. John’s College, and Associate Professor, History, UBC
Frances Bula, Journalist and frequent contributor to the Globe and Mail
Winnie Cheung, President, Pacific Canada Heritage Centre and Museum of Migration Society
Dr. Lisi Feng, Research Associate, Institute of Asian Research, UBC
Dr. Chris Lee, Director, Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program, and Acting Principal, St. John’s College, UBC
Michael Lee, former Vice-Chair, SUCCESS, and former Chair, UBC Alumni Association
Joanne Lee-Young, Journalist, Vancouver Sun
Dr. Helen Leung, Associate Professor, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, SFU
Charlie Smith, Editor, Georgia Straight
Dr. Tom Hutton, Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning, UBC
Echoes of Hongcouver?
Saturday, September 24, 10:00am-1:00pm
(Discussion will be in Chinese)
Moderator: Winnie Cheung, President, Pacific Canada Heritage Centre & Museum of Migration Society
Tung Chan, Chair, Board of Trustees, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Dr. Lisi Feng, Research Associate, Institute of Asian Research, UBC
Dr. Leo Shin, Associate Professor, History, UBC
Ken Tung, President, Civic Education Society and former Chair, SUCCESS
Andy Yan, Acting Director, City Program, SFU, and Adjunct Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning, UBC
Eleanor Yuen, former Head, Asian Library, UBC
Held at St. John’s College, UBC, to mark the thirty-three year anniversary of the establishment of Sing Tao Daily in Vancouver. Contact for more information.