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Congratulations Sandra Shepard

President Stephen Toope, Sandra Shepard



Sandra Shepard has been a vital part of UBC for the last decade while managing St. John’s College, UBC’s International Graduate College. As Assistant Principal, Sandra has helped oversee this unique and vibrant international community of over 165 residents from over 45 different countries. Managing the College through a reorganization that made it financially sustainable for the future while using its resources more effectively and efficiently, Sandra has quietly ensured that UBC continues to fulfill its promise through St. John’s College to be an inclusive and welcoming place for international graduate students. Sandra has also led in the creation of the monthly Wednesday Hot Lunches at St. John’s College, helping create a more nurturing environment for UBC staff so that they can meet each other and share their experiences with each other.

Sandra Shepard and some our residents at St. John's College!

Sandra Shepard and some our residents at St. John’s College!


Congratulations for joining the 25 year club, and our gratitude for all that Sandra has done for UBC while at SJC!

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

St. John's College
2111 Lower Mall,
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.822.8788
Fax: 604.822.8885

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