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What SJC Offers

Why live at St. John’s College?

The College offers Residential Membership to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting scholars and students. Aside from taking up residence at St. John’s, residential membership entails active involvement in the social and academic aspects of College life. Involvement takes the form of participation on various social and academic committees, and attendance at functions and lectures sponsored by or otherwise linked with the College. When residents accept an offer of a place at the College they also accept the responsibility of active participation in all facets of College life. Participation takes the form of participation on various social and academic committees, and attendance at functions and lectures sponsored by or otherwise linked with the college.

St. John’s College is not merely a place to live; it can be your home, your community where life-long friendships are fostered.  It is place to learn how to live in a globalized world.

The academic life of the College is central to its mandate. Junior Fellows should have a keen intellectual curiosity which extends beyond their own academic discipline in order to fully enjoy and benefit from active participation in the College’s wide-ranging academic and social activities – lectures, seminars, workshops, theme colloquia, and performing arts.

St. John’s College residents find that living in a supportive environment on campus, where transportation, grocery shopping and cooking are not everyday concerns, leaves them more time to concentrate not only on their academic endeavours, but also on all the other amazing opportunities that being at UBC affords.

The Principal of St. John’s College, a faculty member who lives at the College and is an integral part of the community, holds overall responsibility for life at the College.

Check out the committees, classes, social events, and activities that make St. John’s College such a vibrant place to live and call home!

Awards and Scholarships

A Day in the Life of SJC Student Blog

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

St. John's College
2111 Lower Mall,
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.822.8788
Fax: 604.822.8885

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