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Meet me at the Clock Tower

“Meet me at the Clock Tower”

The clock tower acts as a meeting place for the Johanneans of St. John’s College and is a place for people from all over the world to join each other and to start their journeys together. It was designed to resemble the clock tower at St. John’s University in Shanghai, China. In 2012, the Chinese characters 聖約翰學院, meaning St. John’s College, were added to the clock tower, in recognition of the tie between St. John’s College at UBC and the graduates of St. John’s University in Shanghai who founded our College in 1997. The caligraphy was done Mr. Hong Yong-fan, a Johannean alumni now residing in Shanghai whi is reknowned for his beautiful caligraphy. The term “Johanneans” refers to the community of students from both schools, and the clock tower is an important symbol to residents and alumni of both St. John’s College and St. John’s University. The tapestry in the Alumni Hall of St. John’s College features the original clock tower of St. John’s University.

Written by SJC Junior Fellows Kristof Kessler (MLIS 2013) and Dawn Wong (MLIS 2013).


這鐘塔充當聖約翰學院校友的會面地點,也是一個為著世界各地的人聚集在一起與開始他們的旅程的地方。他被設計成與中國上海的聖約翰大學的鐘塔相像。在2012年,中國文字 “聖約翰學院,” 即 St. John’s College,被加在鐘塔之上以表彰英屬哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院與在1997年創立我們學院的上海聖約翰大學畢業生之間的聯係。這毛筆字是由洪永凡先生,一位聖約翰大學校友所創造的。現在居住在上海,他以他美麗的毛筆字而重新知名。這個詞,聖約翰大學校友(Johanneans) 意指著從兩所學校而來的學生社群。這鐘塔是聖約翰學院居民與聖約翰大學校友的重要象徵。在聖約翰學院的校友大廳的掛毯是以原聖約翰大學的鐘塔為其特色。

原文由Kristof Kessler 與黃艷珍書寫。Woan-Jen Wang 提供中文翻譯。

SJC ClocktowerSJC Clock Tower


SJU Clock Tower (Photo Credit: Dr. Gao Qiqi, SJC Visiting Scholar)

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